He was always in the middle of a business transaction. 他总是忙着做生意。
Concurrency control in business transaction terms usually involves generating and maintaining locks on data stores, such as relational databases. 并发控制在业务事务术语中通常涉及生成和维护数据存储上的锁,例如关系数据库。
For example, short running atomic transactions can be part of a long running business transaction. 例如,短期运行的原子事务可以成为长期运行的业务事务的一部分。
The decision to access MDM Services as part of a business transaction or after the system has completely processed the transaction is an implementation decision that should be based upon analysis of nonfunctional requirements such as performance and availability. 应该根据对非功能性需求(比如性能和可用性)的分析决定是在处理业务事务的过程中,还是在系统已经完成事务之后访问MDM服务。
Business systems request MDM Services as part of a business transaction or after the transaction has completed based upon the MDM method of use and implementation style. 根据MDM使用方法和实现风格的不同,业务系统在处理业务事务的过程中或在完成事务之后请求MDM服务。
Once a process is described using the BPEL XML flow language, a business process engine must interpret the process description in order to execute and manage the business transaction. 一旦用BPELXML流语言描述了流程,业务流程引擎就必须解释流程描述以便执行和管理业务事务。
Compensation is one common methodology for dealing with this and for implementing a business transaction protocol. 补偿是处理这种事情和实现业务事务协议的常用方法。
Adds a new business transaction. 添加新的业务事务。
In most cases, a simple database might help but should have all the tables and sample data to support a business transaction being tested. 在大多数情况下,一个简单的数据库就可以帮助解决问题,但其中应该包括支持所要测试的业务事务的所有表格和示例数据。
Also included is the SOA Transaction Definition file, which defines the business transaction, context mapping, and data included in each service message. 还包括的是SOATransactionDefinition文件,它定义了业务事务、环境映射,和每个服务消息中包含的数据。
A business transaction can invoke a sequence of services, each of which may be provided by different organizations. 业务事务可以调用某个服务序列,序列中的每个服务都可能是由不同的组织提供的。
The protocol switch is transparent for all the participating services of a business transaction. 协议转换对于业务事务的所有参与服务是透明的。
Coordinate the activity of multiple web services within the overall business transaction. 协调整个业务事务中多个Web服务的活动。
Correlation of events between services in a single business transaction is critical. 单个业务事务中服务间的事件的相关性非常重要。
This involves ensuring ACID ( atomic-consistent-independent-durable) attributes to well-defined business transaction workflows. 这涉及确保定义明确的业务事务工作流中的ACID(原子性-一致性-独立性-持久性)属性。
An immediate consequence of this profound change is the simplification of business transaction. 这种深刻变化所带来的一个直接结果是商务交易的简化。
The OLTP database is always up to date, and reflects the current state of each business transaction. OLTP数据库总是在更新中,并且反映了每个商业事务的当前状态。
Vouchers of transfer account settlement shall bear the same disbursement capability as cash in business transaction. 第七条转帐结算凭证在经济往来中,具有同现金相同的支付能力。
This understanding lets users switch from results into a SAP Business transaction, report or workspace. 这些新的搜索功能可以让用户把搜索结果转化到sap商业事务,报表或者工作空间上。
Permit me to inform you of going into a business transaction with you. 请允许我告诉你,我将会与你有交易。
Earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages. 在贸易或商业交易中获得;获得工资或薪水。
Capable of handling this business transaction, which I explained below. 有能力处理好这一商业交易,而我在下面阐述。
This invention presents an easy use mechanism that users can do business transaction and online commerce with high security standards. 本发明提出了一种易于使用的机制,用户可以做商业交易和电子商务的高安全标准。
EDI involves the electronic exchange of business transaction documents over the Internet and other networks between supply chain trading partners ( organizations and their customers and suppliers). 联通涉及电子交换的商业交易文件通过因特网及其他网络之间的供应链中的贸易伙伴(组织和它们的客户和供应商)。
In this case, exception processing might require aggregation of the exception information on the business transaction level. 在此情形下,异常处理可能需要聚合业务事务级别的异常信息。
If you iook at this as a business transaction. 如果你把这看成是个交易的话。
Our company just concluded a business transaction. 我们公司刚刚达成一个贸易交易。
In a business transaction, if a buyer does not lose some money, he cannot obtain goods; 市场交易,买者如果不丧失金钱,就不能取得货物;
This requires unique correlation ID, spanning the scope of business transaction. 这要求横跨业务事务范围的唯一相关ID。
Dealing with a journalist is ultimately just another business transaction, a kind of cashless trading. 归根结底,和记者打交道是一种商业往来,一种无现金的交易。